It’s getting closer, only 41 days left, and we’re off. A leap into the deep, the unknown. Many think we’re crazy, and sometimes we think so too.
Last year around this time, I was in beautiful Thailand. There, I discovered a part of myself that I hadn’t noticed before. After five weeks, I didn’t want to go home yet. I wanted to continue exploring the world. There’s so much more to see. New cultures, impressions, nature… I started thinking, and Cathy gave me the idea of going to Australia for a year. Being impulsive as I am, I came home and informed my family right away. Ely was up for the idea, but we would see where we stood within a year. We had just met each other. And now, almost a year has passed. It has been a challenging year. A year in which we had to give up a lot (read: live like cavemen in our cave). We sometimes wondered, “Is it all worth it?” But I believe this will be good for us. If we don’t try now, we might regret it later.
My first week of a year-long “vacation” is almost over. It has been a tumultuous week, filled with confusion and doubts at times. My friends laughed at my doubts and questions. “Why am I doing this again?” “I could have gone on a 7-week trip instead.” “Why Australia, which is so expensive?” “Why not go to South America or Southeast Asia?” “Why am I giving up so much?” Ely has two more weeks of work and is eagerly looking forward to the start of his vacation, but he also has more and more of the same doubts. Together, we calm each other down and prepare for a fantastic year full of surprises.
Ely has been without furniture for a while now, and his apartment has finally been sold. Now it’s my turn, and I have also sold part of my furniture. It feels strange to sell all your possessions. It also gives a liberating feeling. We’ll see where we end up and where we will live when we come back. Luckily, we both have a warm home we can always rely on.
Last week, I said “goodbye” to my dear colleagues. I temporarily closed the classroom door behind me after six years. It’s a thought I had been looking forward to for a long time, a moment of rest. I am reassured that I can return to my familiar environment after a year (after all, I have taken a career break). My dear colleagues who support me through thick and thin. I also give myself time to determine if I have enough energy to plunge back into that whirlwind. Because as much as “people in education” are ridiculed, it is (at least for me) a tough job. I am a perfectionist, wanting to do good for all children and parents. Providing as much help as possible where needed. Sometimes you hit a wall, and it can be damn hard. Ely is still searching for himself but doesn’t know what he wants to do after returning. Is he ready for another job as a Digital Marketing Manager? Does he want to continue in that direction? These are all exciting and the only things we will know when we return after that year.
Peace for ourselves, peace in our minds. Away from all the hustle, chaos, and expectations. That’s what we both hope to find. What appeals to us most is that we’ll see where we end up. Nothing is mandatory. Everything is allowed. We are both aware that we may return sooner than expected. Will I miss my parents, sisters, little sweetheart Alizée, friends, girlfriends, and all the others I haven’t mentioned much? I am a family person and often visit “den 108.” Will Ely miss his mom, brother, sister, nephew Jorn, niece, (we’re still waiting in suspense as I write this message), and friends too much? We’ll see. We’ll see what comes our way. We’re certainly very excited!
In the meantime, we’re planning everything calmly (or maybe we need to take more action now). Ely will collect his diabetes supplies at the end of July. It will be a puzzle to fit all that (or as much as possible) into our backpacks. My apartment will gradually become emptier. We’ll take care of some administrative tasks like getting travel insurance, going to health insurance, applying for an international driver’s license, going to the post office, and many other boring things.
Ready Freddy go, as my dear Alizée would say? Not quite yet, but almost. See you soon!
X Inez & Ely
All you need to know is that it’s possible.Wolf, an Appalachian Trail Hiker
Schatjes, probeer ook niet al te veel op voorhand te plannen. Je krijgt heel veel ‘Tips & tricks’ mee van mensen die in hetzelfde avontuur zitten als jullie daar. You’ll do just great ????????
Heel veel succes ! Ik heb vorig jaar vanop afstand je avonturen gevolgd en gezien hoe je ervan genoten hebt…… deze trip is er eentje die moed en doorzetting vraagt maar waarschijnlijk ook hele mooie ervaringen en levenslessen geniet ervan met volle teugen ! Wij volgen ( weliswaar een beetje afgunstig ) jullie avonturen ! Succes ????????????????????
Els en co